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Want to join Las Raíces Pre-Law at UCD? 
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We're back for in-person gatherings!   

Weekly Gathering Time: Mondays 7-8pm (location TBD for 2023-24)

Our Mission
The mission of the Las Raíces Pre-Law Student Association at the University of California, Davis is to provide a means for educating & creating accessibility into the field of law for Latinx students as well as students of other historically underrepresented marginalized communities. Las Raíces Pre-Law Student Association will promote academic achievement and scholarship within each student's respective field of study and provide a pathway between students and law school. 


Guest Speakers & Law School Visits


Have access to practicing attorneys, law professors, law school deans, and pre-law academic advisors.




Learn how to prepare for the LSAT/law school application process & receive discounts on prep courses through LSATMax Prep


Debates/Law journals


Gain experience in being a law student and have fun talking through debates on current issues. Members can also be involved in our Law Journal Series, posted here on our website!


Internship Opportunities


Get first-hand knowledge on internship opportunities with local law firms and/or government institutions.


Student Retention & Academic Success


Complete weekly study hours & get information on resources for tutoring


Scholarship Opportunities for AB540 & Undocumented Students


Apply to receive scholarship money through our LRPLSA fundraised scholarship opportunities

Yum-Raising with See's Candies

We will receive all profits from any items you purchase using the link below. Order more to help us reach our fundraising goal and put the money towards events, scholarships, field trips, and more for our members!

Thank you for supporting our organization!!

© 2023-2024 La Raices Pre-Law Student Association @ UC Davis

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