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(she/her) • Senior

Political Science



Juan Alejandro

(he/him) • Junior 

Sociology & Chicano Studies



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Aileen Villanueva

(she/her) • Senior

Political Science & Sociology



Elise Ayala

(she/her) •  Junior

Applied Math


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Evelyn Ramos

(she/her) •  Sophomore

Political Science-Public Service



Zaynah Wali

(she/her) • Junior

Political Science



Graciela Alvarez

(she/her) •  Junior



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Jordan Ayon

(he/him) •  Senior

Sociology & Communication



Sianna Vega

(she/her) • Junior

International Relations


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Jesse Gutierrez

(he/hims) • Senior

Political Science & Psychology



Fundraiser Chair

Marketing Chair

Social Chair

External Affairs Co-Chair

"The legal field was so obscure to me growing up. My parents didn't trust or understand the legal system, so I didn't either. I think this contributed to my curiosity, and eventually interest, in the legal field. I wanted to understand the legal field more, and the more I learned about it the more convinced I became that I wanted to pursue a career in the field"

"I believe it is possible to make change in your field of interest you just have to be open to the possibility that it may be harder than intended. Little changes are changes, as they still provide movement towards a better future for others. Thus, I want to pursue the legal field because of my interest in forming ripples in people's lives and create change more specifically through criminal justice reform"

"I am interested in representing and advocating for people who are typically underrepresented or harmed through the legal system"

"The legal field is an extremely complex system, that has historically disproportionately effected people of color in numerous ways. Whether it is in the criminal justice system with the overwhelming rate at which people are incarcerated, or its effectiveness in keeping the poor in poverty, due to the lack of resources at hand, etc. Having seen these faults, I want to fight for those who are wronged by the criminal justice system, those who are low-income, underrepresented and taken advantage of, through changing the systems in place. I want to aid in making the change that will positively impact communities like mine"

"As the daughter of an immigrant mother and granddaughter of campesinos, our role in this country has been at the forefront of my mind. I grew up understanding that our rights were always put in jeopardy and frustrated with my inability to act upon our marginalization. Upon joining LRPLSA and becoming more involved in my community I’ve realized the necessity of latines practicing law and navigating the legal system. I hope to pursue a career in the legal field in order to learn the skills to best advocate for our community and the issues that impact us"

“I am interested in the legal field becasue I want to be able to advocate for those that do not have the means to do so. The legal system is a sector of our society that often overlooks marginalized communities and I want to be a resource that positively impacts those that the system has forgotten”

"I am interested in the legal field because I really want to be able to help tiers and I also feel that the legal field is often changing and I want to be a part of the change that is occurring"

"The legal profession has always interested me because it struck me as a way to advocate for those who have been undermined and discriminated against laws and rules originally meant to benefit and not belittle. Law, to me in this way, is a source where I can fight and defend injustices against human rights policy where people feel like they don't have a voice. On top of this, as law seems like a complicated place of abstract terms, I want to further explore the way to better understand and communicate the legal field to be more accessible"

"I am interested in the legal field because I want to support underprivileged communities and do my part in ensuring the system we live under is fair to everyone"

Academic Chair

External Affairs Co-Chair

"When I began to think about what career I wanted to pursue, I was instantly attracted to the law field bexcause of the opportunity to contribute towards change and the ability to help people with similar backgrounds as my own. I am most interested in working in immigration law or criminal defense because I would be able to assist people from my community who have generally been overlooked by the law. I hope to be a part of the growing movement of traditionally underrepresented groups entering the law field"

Political Chair


Enola Gueta

(she/her) • Senior

Political Science & American Studies

"I just love knowing things. When I was younger, I was always fascinated by the systems and structures that made the world the way it was. In some instances, I was terrified by them. So when I got into political science and later American studies, I was fascinated by how far these things go in both how we as a society built these systems and how they continue to affect us. Then I took my first Intro to Law class in CC, and something about law just clicked in my brain, so this combined with my personal past just made it something academically I really got into"


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Luca Alioto

(they/he) • Sophomore

Political Science & Community and Regional Development

"I'm interested in the policies and laws which impact my community"

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